Foley Evaluation

How did you plan producing the sound for your film?

I went through the video and thought of the various sounds I would of heard. E.G Lever mechanism. I then sourced the various sounds on BBC effect library that would best match the clip some of which had to be abstract to fit the style of the film.

What problems or challenges did you encounter?

I found sound levels tricky to get right to blend smoothly in the film. I also being death in the left ear can’t experience the full sound in stereo.

How effective were your solutions?

To blend the sounds better I faded most the sound clips in and out so there wasn’t abrupt sounds (unless intentionally).

To combat the stereo I fiddled with the computer settings to change the computer output to mono/right side, which didn’t effect the stereo of the actual edit.

I also to give the background violin a more prominent feel in the video I reversed it to give it this more creepy feel to it. (A Idea I got from a clip of twin peaks).

Did this solo task make you consider FMP? if so how?

It gave me a few ideas on how to incorporate sound as a major element to part of my FMP.

What did you learn?

Sound design is fun but hard to perfect. I’m fascinated by sound as I’ll never hear it properly but I’ve never considered it as an important part of my films. Doing this task made me realise the different ways I can use sound in my films.

The future evaluation thingy

Area of reflection….. Peoplessssssssssssssssss / communication

No matter my dislike of peoples I can communicate with them if I think necessary which is not that often. I’ve improved in the sense I’ll talk to anyone (if necessary) but I can improve on the actual doing so.



How did the project go overall?

Project Overall went quite well.

What was your role? Did you carry it out effectively or room for improvement?

I did not do much on the project. My role as far I know was to create a animation of a airplane, which i did successfully.

What practical skills did you learn and demonstrate?

I Improved my animation skills, drawing the individual elements and animating them in a relatively smooth fashion. (Pics to come)

Problems i solved?

None i can think of….


some kid wrote a story and we had to make it into a film.

bla bla bla bla bla bla. spent a day drawing, made 7 second animation of a airplane: Here

bla bla bla bla bla bla. then flipped the video in premiere to make it look like it went the other way: here

bla bla bla bla bla bla. was sick for a week which was when the rest of the group filmed all of the scenes. Nothing for me to do so did my own thing for couple of weeks.

finished film of blaaaaa: here

Short scenes

Worked in small group to make short scene. We decided to make it simple and go for people walking and looking with no  speaking.

From the idea I drew segments of the storyboard for the group to arange in order of shots.


We then set out to film,,,,, then with the footage I made my own edit: here

we then had to re film the scene but from POV of the characters, I made my own edit: here

She wants, Metronomy Video

the whole class was to make a one shot music video, inspired by metronomy’s music video she wants

5 people were voted to be director, camera, actor and 2 floor managers. The rest of the group had to create ‘moments of wonder’ for the camera and actor to pass by.

Myself and 2 others came up with 3 ideas, To wear animal hats and have photos of our faces as a mask, To cover ourselves in a blanket and unravel and to eat a Banana. On the day one of us was sick and we had 2 of our ideas cut so we combined them into: Wearing animal hats, sunglasses whilst eating a Banana.

The shoot was relatively easy and went successfully. Editing was fun, playing around with the speed and colours of the footage.

my edit: here


Evaluation of term 1

I feel that my work ethic is a laid back type where I know exactly what to do and approximately how long it takes. Once I know that I plan my time in my head and not worry if I miss any personal deadlines because I can usually make up the lost time.

I think I can improve with my frustration with projects that don’t go as smoothly as I hope. I get annoyed and stop working which then creates catch up work for myself.

I didn’t like my work on the James Bond re make partly due to me joining in late and not being involved with any of the creative process. It was fun to edit and mess around with the colours and I like my final video.

I liked my work on fake news, the blog post was bit of a nightmare, writing everything I could and not being able to form it into a readable piece of work. The fake news satire video was great to make. I rushed the script but still came up with a few decent lines. I’m annoyed I couldn’t find better places to film some of the scenes but what I ended up with was alright and worked (ish) in the film. The editing was a nightmare, always remember to save and check what you have saved is what I’ve learned from editing the video.